Demo Guide

User Login
User Name: demo.fundraiser
Password:    fundraiser@#123

Step 1: Login as a Fundraiser

  1. Go to My Account Page.
  2. Login with the credentials given above.

Step 2: Create Campaign

  1. Go to Dashboard.
  2. Click on Create New Campaign.
  3. Fill the Campaign Form.
  4. You’ll now see a new Campaign in Dashboard and Campaign List.

Step 3: Fund Donate

  1. Go to Campaign List page.
  2. Select other Fundraiser campaigns.
  3. Select amount and click on Donate button.
  4. Campaign product will be added to your cart and cart total.

Step 4: Place Order

  1. Proceed to checkout.
  2. Place order.

Step 5: View Order

  1. Go to My account.
  2. Click on orders.
  3. View your order.
  4. Donation product is being displayed in the order description.
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