Welcome to the Donation For WooCommerce Demo
Want to see what Donation For WooCommerce can do? Then you’re in the right place!
Round Off Donation Campaign
The Round-off Donation feature gives your customers the power to round off their final payment value to the closest round number.
Recurring Donations
Custom donation refers to adding custom value in any style of donation. Users may enter any value allowed by the admin.
Donation Tribute
Donation causes refer to the principles a charity stands for. You can enter Label of your Tribute. Add Level to add tributes.
Donation Cause
Donation causes refer to the principles a charity stands for. We have a list of Charities in a dropdown from
Donation Styles
The Round-off Donation feature gives your customers the power to round off their final payment value to the closest round number.
Donors Wall
Showing Donors name in a sequence according to highest number who give more donations.